"Democrat Congress"
REPLY: My, how Karl Rovian/Frank Luntzian of you! "Democratic Congress" sounds too nice, doesn't it? Too bad that "Democratic Party" is the actual name of the party with the majority in Congress.
"Democrat Congress -- with 11% Approval Rating --"
REPLY: This 11% approval rating is completely bogus, as you can see here. The lowest rating I can find is 18% from Gallup in August. This also implies that the low approval rating is aimed at only Democrats. Who's to say? Maybe a big slice of the populace doesn't like the Republican Congress members? Also, scroll down in that list of polls. Take a look at the approval ratings from the last Congress. Not that different, is it?
"Democrat Congress -- with 11% Approval Rating -- Passes Free Health Care Benefits for Middle-income Families (up to $80,000)"
REPLY: Ah, yes, those amazingly well-off "up to $80,000" families. My household consists of two people, earning a combined income of more than that amount. We have no children and one cat. We are comfortable, but nowhere near "upper middle class" as Rush Limbaugh defined these $80,000-ers last week. I can't imagine if we had two or three kids. We'd need the help.
". . .Which President Bush Promptly Vetoed Because Bill is Fiscally Irresponsible"
REPLY: Well, how the HELL would HE know? Here's a chart, cribbed from Bloggernista.com. Tell me this president knows dookie about fiscal responsibility:

Holy crap!
As you can see, the Christian Coalition is a little less than straightforward in its appeals to its followers. What they've written above is misleading, and downright dishonest. And that was just their opening salvo! To take apart the entire "Update" would take me several posts. I may do a sequel later, but this is enough of their tripe for now.
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