Photo from source, RawStory.com
I would have said, "stop lying." But Senators have an aversion to that particular word, even when it is accurate. I admire Senator Feingold's tenacity, and his willingness to fight for what he think is right, regardless of how the deck might be stacked against him. If only he could convince a few of his colleagues to do the same.
Feingold to Bush: Stop misleading Americans on interrogation policy
A Democratic senator well versed in US intelligence procedures has accused President Bush of "misleading" the American people about the harsh interrogation tactics the CIA uses against terror detainees.
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), who serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee, wrote a letter to Bush urging the president to come clean with Congress and the public about the CIA's methods, which critics say amount to torture. . .
Read the rest at: RawStory.com
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