Photo of Karen Hughes from source, WashingtonPost.com
Not much to say about this story (though it is snarky and worth a read), but I haven't put a picture of Karen Hughes on the blog before, and I wanted to hear the Other Half shriek when he saw it. . .
From the State Department, All the News for Inquiring Minds
From the State Department, All the News for Inquiring Minds
Fox News, launched with such high hopes 11 years ago as the "fair and balanced" network, apparently hasn't lived up to its billing. CNN never had a chance. The other networks? Please. No citizen could dare trust the agenda-driven print media -- The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times -- to figure out, let alone accurately tell, the "real" story.
But now the State Department is in the blogosphere, and says it "offers the public an alternative source to mainstream media for U.S. foreign policy information." The blog, launched last week and called "Dipnote," is "taking you behind the scenes."
But now the State Department is in the blogosphere, and says it "offers the public an alternative source to mainstream media for U.S. foreign policy information." The blog, launched last week and called "Dipnote," is "taking you behind the scenes."
Read the story at: WashingtonPost.com
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