Photo from source, WashingtonPost.com
Yesterday, I linked to a story in The New York Times, regarding what appears to be administration-authorized torture. The White House is in full denial mode, but Congress isn't buying it. The story was covered by Countdown with Keith Olbermann this evening, but I haven't seen it elsewhere. Least of all on Hannity & Colmes, where the big news was Barrack Obama not wearing a flag pin of all things.
Anyway, there seems to be meat on the bone here, and I'm really gonna be ticked off if it turns out that the administration skates again, if the story is true.
Congress Seeks Secret Memos On Interrogation
Democratic lawmakers assailed the Justice Department yesterday for issuing secret memos that authorized harsh CIA interrogation techniques, demanding that the Bush administration turn over the documents. But officials refused and said the tactics did not violate anti-torture laws.
One opinion issued by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel in May 2005 authorized a combination of painful physical and psychological interrogation tactics, including head slapping, frigid temperatures and simulated drowning, according to current and former officials familiar with the issue.
A second document issued by the same Justice Department office in the summer of 2005 asserted that the interrogation practices approved for the CIA did not violate pending legislation to prohibit "cruel, inhuman and degrading" treatment, current and former officials said. The existence of the two classified memos was reported yesterday by the New York Times. . .
Read the whole story at: WashingtonPost.com
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