Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Gay Thing: Revisited

As I've said in the past, this blog's mission is not primarily (or even secondarily) to promote gay rights issues. Other outlets are better equipped to do that. But occasionally, real life intrudes, and current events compel me to comment.

The other day, I posted a piece about Ellen DeGeneres' plea to her viewers to change the tone as it pertains to gays in America. She was motivated by a young teenager, Lawrence King, who was murdered recently for being gay. But we need not wait for something as dramatic and vile as a murder to occur to make us cry out for a change.

Sports stars, celebrities and Democratic politicians cannot get away with anti-gay statements or actions. They get vilified by gay rights groups, the media, and even the public in general. But Republican politicians, religious leaders, and right-wing radio hosts and pundits can and do get away with it. There is almost nothing they can't or won't say when it comes to gay people. Awful, nasty things are said about gays, things they would not dare say about any other group, except maybe criminals, terrorists, Muslims and atheists.

Don't get me wrong, say whatever you want about criminals. Terrorists are pretty fair game, but it might not be wise to egg them on. Targeting Muslims and atheists with vitriol just shows prejudice and ignorance. And so does targeting gay people. Religion and sexuality are very different issues, but they are quite similar one important way. Many religions are learned, but society also views some (Muslims, Jews, and others) as more than a religion. It is cultural, something you are born into. So, while your beliefs are learned, your identity is also thrust upon you. It's a combination of nature/nurture, right? And like with sexuality, you can find out through time that you don't fit in the mold you were cast from.

Sexuality isn't exactly learned; "discovered" would be my preferred word choice. But you do learn about it, learn what it means in society, and decide what to do with that information. So there is a sort of combination of nature/nurture involved, if not as it is usually framed. And if you don't believe people are born "wired" to be gay, ask yourself if you've ever seen a child, and just knew they were? And did you ever then find out later you were right? There you go.

To these right-wingers, who think gay bashing is fair game, homosexuality is just an "issue." Guns, God and Gays has become shorthand for Republican base values. But, gun ownership is an issue that can be argued for or against. Religion (as it pertains to government) has a lot of gray areas that can be argued. Gay people, though, aren't an issue. . .they are people. Citizens. Americans. You can argue until you are blue in the face, they are still going to be there. People say they don't "agree" with homosexuality. That's like saying you don't agree with headaches or pancakes or bar stools. They exist. Deal with it.

I join Ellen DeGeneres in her plea to Americans to drop the rhetoric. If you secretly despise, fear or grossed out by gay people, do what most bigots do. Keep it to yourself. It long ago became absolutely forbidden to use "the n word" in almost any context. Slurs against gay people are no different, and should be made just as culturally unacceptable. And now, the piece that inspired this rant. . .


For every Obama supporter who has written me criticizing me for statements I've made in so many previous outlets they would be impossible to tally - OBAMA likey the GAY MARRIAGE. He has issued a written statement saying to the homosexual elite radicals that he will REPEAL the National Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). And that on the issue of redefining the institution by which ALL of society has been built upon he would allow state by state any jolly perverted idea or arrangement that can be signed into law to take place. [snip]

And of course merely saying that engaging in homosexual behavior is in fact unhealthy, detrimental and even deadly - would qualify as outright "homophobic" views in Obama's world. SO we can't teach Biblical sexuality... i.e. HEALTHY... only the gospel of condoms!

Read more of this crap at: Townhall

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