Image from source, Inside America
Somehow, the prospect of global warming, and energy conservation long ago became a political issue. If you're a liberal, you're for conserving energy (how's that for irony?), and for doing whatever can be done to stave off or reverse climate change. If you're conservative, you are for using liberal amounts of energy (irony again), and you believe--because Rush Limbaugh told you so--that global climate change is a myth.
So now--even though presumptive Republican Presidential candidate, John McCain is a believer in climate change--conservatives are flipping the ultimate bird toward the very idea. They've staged an event today called "Carbon Belch Day." The aim is to increase one's carbon footprint by as much as possible, which means wasting more energy than usual. It's quite a sacrifice at today's gas prices, but hey, they have a point to prove! Whatever. . .
No, that’s not a joke as I first thought it was when listening to the news this morning. The guy - Steve Eliott is his name - got interviewed for 2 or 3 long minutes at the morning radio news for his organization’s initiative to invite American citizens releasing the more carbon dioxide they can on June 12. “Let’s make it a great big belch!“. Not only is the objective to protest against carbon restriction measures - that endanger our “good old American way of life” -, but according to Eliott, “it might be good for the planet to increase our carbon footprint, since there are less trees naturally rejecting carbon at night”. Grassfire.org - Eliott’s conservative grass-root organization (as he presents it) - proudly claims on its website that it collected more than 10,000 citizen’s signatures against restrictions on carbon emissions and that more than 100,000,000 pounds of CO2 are set to be released (yes, you must commit to a number when joining the belch day!). . .
Read more at: Inside America
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