Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hillary Clinton Wins Puerto Rico, What Now?

Photo from source, Globe and Mail

There is something that happens in each Presidential primary, every time. The candidates lie to us, and we let them get away with it. As the curtain begins to close on a candidate, they issue strong statements that they are "in it to win it," or are "going all the way to the convention!" And usually, a week or even a day later they "suspend" their campaign. Mike Huckabee did it, John Edwards did it. They all do it.

But what does it mean when Hillary Clinton says it? If (my favorite pundit) Rachel Maddow is to be believed, Clinton--in this case at least--isn't lying. She means to keep the campaign going, by sheer force of will and truthiness. For once, I hope she's lying. Stop the primaries, I want to get off!


Clinton scores a victory, but defeat draws near

Hillary Clinton picked up delegates in both Puerto Rico and Washington during the weekend, but too few, leaving her advisers warning that the New York senator was prepared to carry her fight for the presidential nomination to the Democratic National Convention.

Odds are, however, the threat is mere bluster. This race could be over as early as this week, provided 200 or so dithering superdelegates finally make up their minds. . .

Read more at: Globe and Mail


  1. Hellary and her army of drone racist will absolutely insure that McCain is the next president!

  2. Steve Ballmer is a simplistic arsehole. Oh and the "Hellary" isn't even clever enough to be funny. Go back under your rock. It is simpistic morons, like you that WILL get McCain elected.


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