Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Rant About Over-inflated Conservative Opinions

There is only one reason for this post, and that was an extreme irritation with an on-air promotion on the local Las Vegas right-wing talk radio station. Well, the leading one anyway, there are lots of them, and none is liberal/progressive.

Anyway, what got my dander up was a simple promotion for Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. Hannity has christened Levin "The Great One," for no other reason than their snake-eating-its-tail relationship. And Hannity also calls each of his callers "Great Americans" if they've mastered the ability to dial a phone, and bleat echos of his viewpoints. They almost unfailingly return the favor.

Both monikers have stuck in the world of conservo-talk, and so KXNT has made a commercial touting that you don't have to go anywhere else, because all the Great Ones and Great Americans are in one place. This made me want to hurl, but all I did was yell at the radio. Both men have done a great deal to tear down and divide America, despite their incessant metaphorical flag-waving.

Levin has the most obnoxious voice in radio (which is saying a lot), and is smart enough to know that he's stoking an already unstable base of listeners. Hannity isn't smart enough to know any of that, but he's still good at it. I'm apparently immune to being "Hannitized," which is good, because it is brainwashing by a brainless man.

To make matters worse, the little commercial was followed by another promo for a new program, The Curtis Sliwa Show, which--given what a freak that guy is--shows they'll play anything associated with FOX "News." Of course, it airs at 2am, so only the craziest of the crazy will ever hear it. Just yuck.

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