Images of Freedom Train and Bicentennial logo from Wikipedia
One of the news stations announced that it was the 233rd birthday of the United States yesterday, and a quick check of the math confirms this to be true. And for people in my age bracket (a few years north of 40), this quickly leads to the realization that it has been thirty-three years since the Bicentennial. Yikes.

One of the biggest events (at least to my then 10-year-old self) was the Freedom Train, an actual train that went from town to town as a travelling museum. It was something of a mini-Smithsonian, or educational Disney exhibit, taking you through the history (mostly high points) of the United States. It's too bad there wasn't a 2-1/3 century blowout this year. I doubt the country has ever been as united in their patriotism without a cataclysmic event to jolt us into it.
But still. . .thirty-three years ago? Yikes.
O M G! 33 years? WTF? On another note, have you heard anything about them bringing back Swingtown...maybe thru another network? Absolutely LOVED that show. Talk about a continuous walk down memory lane...