One of the biggest frustrations about being a current events/political blogger is finding other bloggers who encapsulate your own ideas better than you do. On the other hand, given the nature of blogging, and the general give-and-take sharing allowed in the forum, I can present to you those "better" writings anyway! So it's sort of a win-win.
I have long likened extreme partisans to sports fans, though I'm not sure if I've ever done a post about it. I remember a lady who used to work with me who was a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. After the 2004 election, I remember her cackling at me after George W. Bush won his second term. She knew I was pulling for John Kerry, and found it very amusing that "her team" won. I--needless to say--was not amused. But it was more for her likening it to a game than the politics. I thought that the Bush Administration was a dangerous threat to America (still do!). She saw it as not much more than a "win" for her side.
The excerpted blog post below does an excellent job using the same analogy as it applies to the Al Franken/Norm Coleman battle for the Senate. And it--admittedly--does it better than I could. Enjoy.
Dear Freeptards
Al Franken won. Welcome to Democracy.
When Norm Coleman said that Al Franken should concede the race 'for the sake of the people of Minnesota', you were all behind him. Then, when Coleman refused to concede 'for the sake of Minnesota', you embraced the hypocrisy and stayed right behind him.
Why are you all such hypocrites?
I'll tell you; Because you are not politically inclined, you are, for all intents and purposes; sports fans. . .
Read more at: Democratic Underground
In case you didn't feel it was necessary to come back and read my response, James, I've taken the liberty of bringing it over here to you.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your moonbattery.
"Jeez, James...didja see what it says over to the right of this post, under my profile? Let me help you: "Satire, snark, and outright insanity in the time of Obugger." That means this whole entire place is dripping with steaming, vicious, ironic sarcasm.
"I poke fun here, James...with God-damned EMPs.
"Please, come by and have a laugh or two, but don't waste my time, or other readers' time, with accusations that a shopped image represents our perception of reality."
Yes, your post contained elements of obvious satire. That wasn't my question. I was asking if you or other conservatives think the "bunny ears" shot--which is presented in Right Wing World as though it is real--realize that it too is a photoshop job. That's all. You're oddly defensive.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your wing-nuttery.