Image from source, TV Squad!
When Family Guy premiered, I was not a fan. I liked the off-beat humor, and the overall irreverance for everything, but I had a basic problem with it. I didn't like the central character. Peter Griffin has absolutely no redeeming qualities, unlike, say Homer Simpson. I loved Stewie the baby and Brian the dog. But Peter was off-putting in behavior and appearance.
After it came back from the dead (cancellation) though, I warmed to it for some reason. Possibly because I'd become a fan of Seth MacFarlane's other show, American Dad! in the mean time. Also, I became a fan of MacFarlane himself, who is completely on my page politically and (non-) spiritually. So, it makes me a little sad to see him sort of planning for the demise of the show. And it must really freak FOX out.
I can understand the compulsion of a series creator/writer/performer to end things before the show grows stale. But I also think it is a fallacy that every show that goes on for a long time suffers for it. Most do, true. But several, like Friends, Seinfeld, and Cheers manage to keep fans wanting more. With any long stretch, there will of course be clunker episodes. And shows like The Simpsons have been taken for granted by viewers. You'll hear people complaining about it, but since it went HD, it seems better than ever to me.
With three series, I do bet that MacFarlane is tired. I always get irritated when I read about some British show (*cough* Absolutely Fabulous *cough*) where the creator claims to be worn out coming up with new ideas, when their seasons run eight episodes per year!
Is the end nigh for Family Guy?
Seth MacFarlane might have one of the most overrated shows on television right now (in my personal opinion, of course), but he hasn't let that cloud his realism when it comes to its future. . .
Read more at: TV Squad!
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