Monday always goes down a lot easier with a heaping helping of Democratic Underground's "Top 10 Conservative Idiots." They keep churning them out, don't they?*
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 370
August 10, 2009
Super Duper Mega Hyperbole Edition
The madness continues... Teabaggers (1) buy into the idea that threatening people with violence is a winning strategy. Meanwhile, The GOP (2) is slipping, Sarah Palin (3) is sliding, and Orly Taitz (8) has fallen on her ass. . .
*EDITOR'S NOTE: Greenlee Gazette does not contend that all conservatives are idiots. Merely that many prominent conservatives are idiots, as this column regularly confirms. So, please, no offense is intended to those of my friends and family who are themselves conservative. In other words, present company excluded!
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