Image from source, BlogActive
Welllllll now! First, South Carolina's Governor Mark Sanford has his Appalachian Trail/Argentinian Tail scandal. Then, Lt. Governor Andre Bauer demands that Sanford resign (Sanford has steadfastly refused). Now, prominent blogger Mike Rogers--who has a 100% accuracy for this sort of thing--has announced that Bauer has the gay!
Now, I have a mixed feeling about "outing." I think that most gay people should be allowed to determine a time that is right for themselves to come out. Optimally, it should be a time of their choosing, in a way they wish to reveal it. My policy, and Rogers' as well, is to only push a person out if they have actively harmed the gay community by their actions, and from the safety of the closet. In that case? All bets are off.
Rumors confirmed
. . .I am now able to confirm a rumor that has circulated in South Carolina for years. South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer is a closeted anti-gay politician who stands to replace Mark Sanford should Sanford resign or be impeached (a real possibility as Sanford is caught in his own sex scandal.). . .
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