C'mon. Was there ever any question, really? I would be shocked if they didn't monkey around with the rainbow-threat level chart. It's probably what it was created for in the first place.
Ridge: Rumsfeld and Ashcroft wanted to raise terror threat level because it helped Bush’s approval rating.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette pours through Tom Ridge’s new book and offers the relevant passages where the former Homeland Security chief discusses the Bush administration’s desire to increase the terror threat level for political reasons. Ridge reveals that Attorney General John Ashcroft and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld argued in favor of raising the threat level by noting the correlation it had with Bush’s approval rating. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
Ridge: Rumsfeld and Ashcroft wanted to raise terror threat level because it helped Bush’s approval rating. Wow.... can you imagine a President doing something like this? Like investigating the CIA to get health care & plummeting ratings, off the the front page!! Tom Ridge...another statist.