Image from source, TPM Muckraker
We're officially done with August, which--for whatever reason--is always called the "silly season" in politics. It may have to be re-dubbed the "scary season" after this summer of continuously creepier activities by President Obama's detractors. Whatever a person might think of Obama personally, or his policies, he simply hasn't been in office long enough to justify this nutty, off-the-deep-end right-wing frothing.
Take this guy, for example. He's the guy who brought an automatic weapon to a health care reform Town Hall meeting. And he happens to have a whack-job preacher that makes Reverend Wright look like the Snuggle bear.
Gun-Toter From Obama Event: I, Like My Pastor, Want The President To Die
The violent anti-Obama sentiment coming out of central Arizona managed to get still more toxic over the weekend.
Chris Broughton, the man who brought an AR-15 rifle and a handgun to an Arizona Obama rally earlier this month, says he "concurs" with his fundamentalist pastor's prayer for President Obama "to die and go to hell. . ."
Chris Broughton, the man who brought an AR-15 rifle and a handgun to an Arizona Obama rally earlier this month, says he "concurs" with his fundamentalist pastor's prayer for President Obama "to die and go to hell. . ."
Read more at: TPM Muckraker
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