It's amazing how quickly the "birther" um. . .controversy has disappeared from the news. Unless the term is being associated with the current "deather" or town hall tea bagger movements, it's sort of disappeared. That probably has something to do with the fact that they're just different slices of the same ball of crazy, and that the birther wedge has taken a serious hit. After leading birther advocate Orly Taitz (dentist, lawyer, real estate agent, etc.) got punk'd with a fake Kenyan birth certificate, her true colors started shining through.
As the excerpted piece below shows clearly, the wack-a-doodle evidence was there all along. But the scary part is, she's got a following. And she's paring off the saner ones, leaving a very scary bunch.
What Really Happens When You Demand the President Produce His Birth Certificate?
You get a bunch of outrageous people — very nice people, mind you, but frustrated enough to believe anything about Obama — storming the offices of the attorney general, the secretary of state, and the FBI. At the center of it all was Esquire.com's political columnist, bearing witness to the "birthers" for the conclusion of a two-part series. . .
Read more at: Esquire
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