Image from source, Esquire
The far-right conservative base is gleeful right now--though they claim to be outraged. Why so happy? Because after the "birther" movement imploded, due to the fake Kenyan birth certificate and the lunacy of leader Orly Taitz, the spotlight stayed on their wing-nuttery anyway. It just swung from the birthers to the town hall tea baggers. It doesn't matter that it's been proven that the "grass roots" were really astro-turfed. Reality has a well-known liberal bias, after all.
They've got cameras on their movement. They're angry! and they're on the tee-vee! They've got support from Republican politicians for even their most whacked-out theories. Sarah Palin throws gasoline on the fire, giving credence to the ludicrous, non-existant "euthanasia" provisions that crazies believe is in the health care reform bill. The health care issue is the perfect shapeless blob for a shapeless blob of a protest movement.
Since Barack Obama won the Presidency, his most strident opposition has been confused, and babbling nonsense. They're angry, and they're against him, but their message is all over the place. Were the "tea parties" against taxation? Against communism? Against socialism, marxism, muslins? Yes, no, and who knows? So the health "bill" (which is in reality five bills) presents the perfect multi-faceted target for a wildly diffused angry mob. As the loud, nasty townhalls have shown, it doesn't matter what they're railing against, they're just there for a show of force. Personally, I believe they're just pissed that Republicans are out of power. And some of them (maybe a lot of them) are particularly pissed that it was a black guy who won. MUCH of their imagery bears that out.
So, on one hand, these people look crazy, stupid, mean and nasty. That's not good PR for their side. On the other hand, they've got the focus on their side of the issue. But the scary thing is, these frothing mad people seem dangerously close to a tipping point.
When Did Americans Turn into a Bunch of Raving Lunatics?
This is the most frightening thing I have heard in a very long time: According to a poll conducted by the Daily Kos, which I fervently hope is wrong, 28 percent of Republicans believe that President Obama is not an American citizen. Another 30 percent are undecided. A wider survey to be released tomorrow takes that 58 percent of potential "birthers" nationwide up to nearly 70 in Virginia alone. And this is not in dispute: Ten Republican congressmen have now signed on to a bill demanding that Obama prove his citizenship.
Read more at: Esquire
I told you last week...just release the doc's. That will end all speculation and show the "birthers" to be fools. Alas that will not happen because there is obviously something to hide...and so it goes on!
ReplyDeleteThe reason you only have 30 readers is that you are not credible. That is why I asked you to read the constitution and bill of rights. Then you would be able to discuss your issues intelligently. This Taiz person is not the "leader" of any movement. It is a person who Olberman and his nephew Maddow have dug up to make a fool of. You will notice they do not have any "credible" people such as Phillip Berg, on their shows because they are mindless fools. Heck they could have me on and I know more than they do about this issue. As far as the death issue in regards to the health bill, it is a real issue, and again if you would honestly do some home work you could see that it is a part of the health care models in Canada and England. They have a numberic formula to determining procedures to be performed and the age at which they will not provide them. I am trying to help you out, if you want to make credible points, you will have to back them up with facts. Something that your show hosts cannot do. Dig up pathetic mentally challenged people and make fun of them...WOW thats real journalism!
What are the tea parties about? Again, do your homework...TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already! What kind of morons do not know this? If you think they're nuts, then I would suggest you send in additional money with your tax form next year. In fact, I wish all Dem's could be mandated to pay double the tax rate because of their support for these idiots in Washington. But NO you won't do that will you. You see, it takes conservatives, (the poeple you hate), to fund your stupid programs and front groups.
Releasing the birth certificate would solve nothing, because a significant portion of the "birthers" would believe they were forged.
ReplyDeleteI have more than 30 readers, those are just the RSS readers. I've had about 77,000 hits since I put on my counter. The reason it isn't more is because I'm a one-man-show hobbyist with no promotion whatsoever.
Your "nephew" comment about Rachel Maddow speaks volumes about you and dashes YOUR credibility. You're a nutball, and I'm finished talking to you.
I have read and understand the constitution and bill of rights. You will not read them, and I have no credibility. Typical statist.
ReplyDeleteI've read the Constitution, and am curious as to what part you think I'm missing. I'm also curious what makes me a "statist." I'll be honest, I'd never heard the term before I heard that (Oh. My. God.) unlistenable Mark Levin say it. At first I thought he was saying "sadist" or "stasis." Whatever it is, I wonder what the heck I've said that makes me one.
ReplyDeleteScratch that. It doesn't really matter, does it?