Image from source, Washington Post
OK, I'm still trying to figure this one out. I remember when people would be arrested for wearing the wrong T-shirt to events when George W. Bush was President. Now, people are swarming around with big honking guns, and that's just fine? That's a head scratcher for sure.
I have no doubt that most of the people showing up to these things with guns are doing so to prove a point. The point may be, "hey, it's legal, so I'm gonna do it." Or it might be, that they're afraid (wrongly, in my opinion) that President Obama is going to try to take their guns away. Or they might think it makes them look tough, and they'll probably get on the tee vee. To me it says, "I'm a big giant douche."
I have no problem with gun ownership. I don't have one, but I wouldn't be against the idea. But there is something more going on here. Some bizarre fetishism. They not only want the right to bear arms, they want to be sure you know it. I don't for a minute believe that this "show of force" isn't supposed to be threatening. It clearly is. My guess is that the White House is trying to play it cool, and on the surface say that this doesn't rile them. But I'll bet you that the Secret Service is on high alert.
White House Backs Right to Arms Outside Obama Events
Armed men seen mixing with protesters outside recent events held by President Obama acted within the law, the White House said Tuesday, attempting to allay fears of a security threat. . .
Read more at: Washington Post
It has since come to light...This moron was a liberal plant. Right out of the Alinsky play book.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that is definitive, actually. Wasn't it a LaRouche or Ron Paul thing? Not that it matters WHO it was, it's stupid. And this guy was far from the only one to show up with his gun on display.