Image from Wonkette
We demonize some politicians, whether they deserve it or not. Presently, with the Democrats in power, Nancy Pelosi and my Senator Harry Reid are the ones in the slime-machine cross hairs. I'm not pleased with everything these two do, but they are quite simply not the evil creatures they are painted to be on Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. The same thing was done to Tom Daschle several years ago. Nobody knew who he was, but because he was in power, right-wing radio (et. al) turned him into a monster, and he was defeated.
The same thing happens to Republicans in power. . .sort of. There is no equivalent to the potent right-wing radio/FOX "News" megaphone. MSNBC gets 1.5 million pairs of eyeballs, max. And Air America Radio--while healthier than you've been lead to believe--gets a tiny fraction of the audience enjoyed by even the most horrible (Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Michael Reagan) of the right-wing talkers. So, more often, when Republicans are toppled, it is because of self-immolation. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, Ted Stephens, Tom DeLay, Bill Frist and of course Rick "Man-dog sex" Santorum.
Rick gets that name from some ill-advised (but as far as I know, not retracted) words on the subject of same-sex marriage. And as a result, he earned the scorn and outrage of the LGBTIQEtc. community, and was awarded with a sex term being permanently named after him. If you'd like to see the definition of Santorum, please go here, but make sure you don't have a mouth full of Pepsi to save you the trouble of an equally messy clean-up.
Rick is apparently testing the waters for a Presidential run in 2012. Which I find simultaneously scary and hilarious. The Republicans think that if they shut down health care reform, and block all of the Democratic Congress and President Obama's agenda, that they're setting themselves up for a big win in 2010 and 2012. The public is fickle, has a short attention span, and Republicans are experts at playing into their fears, prejudices and ignorance. But when it pertains to the 2012 Presidential election, Obama's approval rating may have little to do with the outcome.
Why? Because unless a charismatic and competent Republican should emerge by then, all they've got is a cast of cartoon characters. Well, they had that in 2008, but it's getting worse. Sarah Palin has proven to be a comedy gold mine. Newt Gingrich--who sounds like Kermit the Frog, frankly--looks even mushier than a Muppet, and has an absolutely sordid past. Bobby Jindal is Kenneth the Page. And many, if not most of the big-name Republican "stars" right now are no better. Rick Santorum is a lot like Palin, in that he has a supercharged base, and little else. So, he might turn out voters in a primary, but couldn't deliver in a general election. Good.
Santorum Is Dangerous
A Rick Santorum presidency would be very, very dangerous for America.
Unfortunately, he’s thinking about it. No matter what they say, assume that any politician who steps inside the borders of Iowa or New Hampshire has got the presidential itch. And Santorum just announced a series of Iowa visits to scratch himself before conservative activists. . .
Read more at: The Daily Beast
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