Image from source, TPM Muckraker
One of the surest comments you can count on from a conservative if a gay person is the subject, is a lame gay joke. Whether it's Melissa Etheridge, k. d. lang, Rachel Maddow or Barney Frank, if there is news about the gay person in question, there will be a flurry of ridiculous, jr. high school-level puns and/or "jokes." After Barney Frank (D-Mass.)'s town hall meeting, Limbaugh did not disappoint. Despite the fact that Frank owned the tea bagger woman with the Obama-as-Hitler poster, Limbaugh turned it around on the Congressman. In his own lame way, of course.
Limbaugh Cheers On Woman With Obama-As-Hitler Sign At Barney Frank Event
"But the killer for me was, here's Barney Frank saying, 'What planet do you live on?' to this woman. Isn't it an established fact that Barney Frank himself spends of his time living around Uranus?"
Source: TPM Muckraker
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