Photo from source, CNN.com
At times, it's great, as when she laughed off FOX "News" Sunday morning host, Chris Wallace. Other times, it serves to humanize her alleged "icy" persona. And on still other occasions, it seems like a calculated way to avoid directly answering a question.
And if you're suffering from "CDS" (Clinton Derangement Syndrome*--a more vague, but decidedly more heated cousin to Bush Derangement Syndrome), it sets your teeth on edge, and makes you hemorrhage several internal and external organs. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
So, whatever discomfort I might feel from "the cackle," I'm more than happy to endure it, when I know that wingnuts across the country are exploding.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton used the occasion of Wednesday’s endorsement announcement from the American Federation of Teachers to take a light-hearted crack at the New York Times over what the paper has dubbed "The Clinton Cackle."
"I don't want to go on too much longer, because it might cause me to laugh, and then you know, heaven knows what we'd hear about for the next week," she said at the conclusion of her acceptance speech to the laughter of both the AFT members and media present.
Read the rest at: CNN.com
* A word on this CDS I spoke of. When I say that it has vague causes, I mean I've yet to nail down what inspires such hatred. Ask someone who viscerally hates the Clintons, "what's the deal?" and you'll walk away dissatisfied and unenlightened. You'll get wild gesticulations, maybe some spittle, or even a little froth. "Lincon Bedroom! Gahhhh. . .Health care! . . .Brrrack. . .Vince Foster!" I still don't get it.
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