Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

There is a strange group of political activists out there. They are the anti-gay activists, the ones that brought up, pushed and passed California's Proposition 8 to revoke same-sex marriage. But--though they claim to have no beef with gay people, only the desire to keep marriage "one man and one woman," their claims are obviously bogus.

Because "protecting marriage" is just a nice-sounding rationale for an anti-gay agenda. The real agenda is to put a boot on the necks of gay people, on any issue, for any reason they can think of. If Proposition 8 is allowed to stand, and if their newest effort to annul the existing same-sex marriages is successful, they will keep going. They will not stop. They will oppose any effort by gay people to attain equal rights. They will do anything they can to roll back existing rights. And even then, they will not be happy.

Many of these groups have "family" in their names, as though gay people aren't members of, or do not have their own families. The American Family Association. Focus on the Family. The Family Research Council. All of them have--as a primary goal--stomping on gay rights. They exist for little other reason. My question is, what's in it for them?

Suppose that they are successful in all that they set out to do. Suppose that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" becomes permanent. That the Employment Non-discrimination Act (ENDA) is never enacted. Suppose that sodomy laws are reinstated, that same-sex marriage is outlawed everywhere, and that gays become so cowed that nobody ever comes out of the closet ever again. What have they gained?

Do they think that gay people will go away? Do they think that teenagers will never discover their homosexuality? Do they think that if we aren't open and obvious that they can just ignore us as if we don't exist? And if they accomplished all of that, what would they do next? Who would they go after, to take the place of their favorite "demons?" My guesses, in no particular order, are single mothers, divorcees, people who have sex before marriage, contraception, and possibly interfaith or interracial marriage. But that's just a guess.

Here are a few headlines from one of the leading "anti-gay" websites, just to give you an example of why this phenomenon has me so puzzled. What drives these people? What is their real end-game? Ponder it.

58% oppose repeal of “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell”

Tell Congress You Oppose ENDA — The ‘ENDA’ Our Freedom’ Bill

Scandalous Homosexuality-Affirming Milwaukee Middle School

Will You Help AFTAH Stand for Truth against ‘Queer’ Activist Lies?

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