Thursday, August 6, 2009

CNN's Rick Sanchez Grills Anti-Health Reform Leader Rick Scott

Most of us would suffer in comparison to Rick Sanchez, with his made-for-TV-news looks, but that Rick Scott guy just looks John Waters creepy, doesn't he? And not in a good way. Plus he oozes insincerity. Or maybe he just oozes. Sanchez does an admirable job grilling him.


  1. My god this Sanchez is painful to listen to. The way he stumbles through sentences is like fingernails on a blackboard.

    James Carville owns this look, why doesn't he sue for "look infringment" or something? BTW, I was contacted by this group, and asked to go to protest school but I got some ink in my eye from my swastika sign I was making.

    All these protesters should be locked up for opposing El Presidente. They should learn from the way we went after Palin, the correct & civil way to destroy a person.

  2. Good grief, man, if you don't like my blog, don't read it. Where did you come from?

    And by the way, Palin destroyed herself. She's a train wreck.


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