Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rachel-palooza: A Trio of Clips from Thursday's Show

Rather than post three separate posts all from one episode of The Rachel Maddow Show, I decided just to post them all here. Thursday's show was that good. Much of it is about the current spate of faux grass roots town hall "mobs." This issue isn't getting better coverage anywhere on television. The highlight is the last clip, with Maddow interviewing, Tim Phillips, one of the big-wigs behind these orchestrated events. He's very evasive, but Maddow goes after him with polite intensity. Seriously, I can't imagine any other cable news host conducting an interview with a "hostile witness" in such a controlled way.


  1. Who do these people think they are? They have no right to form any group that opposes our Supreme Leader. They should have to ask for federal funding, not receive any corporate funding. Corporations should have no voice in our great country. (except Media Matters, the Soros group,& unions)I see that Olberman's nephew has studied well at the Bill Mahar school of impishness!

  2. Dude, did you watch ANY of the clips? It's not WHO has done it, or WHAT they're doing, but HOW they're doing it. They're dishonestly presenting themselves as organic, grass-roots when they're really corporate and politically funded. Not to mention that they're not merely dissenting, but doing so in a way that SHUTS DOWN rather than encourages dissent and discussion.

    They are thugs, and this will backfire. They look not only like bullies, but like idiots.


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