It's Monday again, peoples. But if you're like me, you've got the day off. Hazzah! Now where did the rest of that long weekend go? While I assess how well I did utilizing my time, you can read a brand new Top 10 Conservative Idiots* column over at Democratic Underground. Yes, they have a new one up, even on a holiday weekend. Hazzah! Uh, again.
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 372
September 7, 2009
Pass The Straitjacket Edition
This week Lunatic Wingnuts (1), More Lunatic Wingnuts (3) and Yet More Lunatic Wingnuts (5) take over the list (and apparently the entire national discourse), while Glenn Beck (2) and Michael Steele (4) egg them on. Michelles Bernard (9) and Bachmann (10) bring up the rear. . .
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 372
September 7, 2009
Pass The Straitjacket Edition
This week Lunatic Wingnuts (1), More Lunatic Wingnuts (3) and Yet More Lunatic Wingnuts (5) take over the list (and apparently the entire national discourse), while Glenn Beck (2) and Michael Steele (4) egg them on. Michelles Bernard (9) and Bachmann (10) bring up the rear. . .
Read more at: Democratic Underground
*EDITOR'S NOTE: Greenlee Gazette does not contend that all conservatives are idiots. Merely that many prominent conservatives are idiots, as this column regularly confirms. So, please, no offense is intended to those of my friends and family who are themselves conservative. In other words, present company excluded!
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