Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rugby Player Says a Stroke "Turned" Him Gay

I do believe he's gay (I mean, look), I just
don't think he "turned." From HuffPo
Oh, good grief. That the stroke triggered a realization, I'll buy that. But turned him gay? Bullcrap. I'm not buying it. And given that this man is in his mid-20s, I think a eureka moment is a lot more likely than some switch being tripped. Many gay men and women don't get their eureka until after decades of marriage and children. Those people didn't all have strokes or brain injuries!

I shudder to think what FreeRepublic.com and the like-minded have to say about this.


Chris Birch, Former Rugby Jock, Claims Stroke 'Turned Him Gay'

The "nature vs. nurture" debate over sexual orientation continues at full force, but now, one former rugby-playing Welsh jock claims to have actually "woken up gay" after a gym accident led him to suffer a stroke. . .

Read more at: Huffington Post

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they're using the wrong definition of "stroke"... Maybe his gym "accident" occurred in the showers at the behest of another jock.


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