Photo from Wikipedia
So, Apple has a new phone. Whoop-de-do. I'm sorry, I just can't get jazzed about it. I've never quite understood the "Cult of Mac," and I'm not sure I ever will. But beyond that, it's a phone people! Yeah, it's got snazzy features, but who needs it, really? Do we really need movies and Internet all the time on a teeny little screen?
I was a late adopter to mobile phones, so maybe it's just me. I mean, I don't don't like to talk on the phone all that much anyway. Mostly, I just got one so the Other Half and I could find each other, if necessary. Since getting the phone, I'll admit it comes in handy. I still wish people would shut up and drive though--I can't count how many people have almost collided with me due to yakking on their phones.
As for features, yeah mine gets the Internet too, in a much more rudimentary fashion than the iPhone. The only thing I ever used it for was to send ring tones to my phone. After the complimentary two months was up on it, I cancelled it. After all, I have a computer at home, a computer at work, and almost all of my friends and family are online as well. I don't need the Internet while I'm having lunch at Taco Bell.
Usually, all-in-one devices do many things, but none of them well. Dedicated devices (digital cameras, notebook computers, printers, scanners, copiers) can almost always be counted on to do a better job of each thing they do than devices that try to combine several abilities into one machine. Maybe the iPhone is different, but I just don't think it warrants the current frenzy.
But, I suppose if you are the sort to make a pilgrimage to the opening of the newest Apple store, this all makes sense to you. Good for you. But iDon'tCare.
Photo from CultOfMac.com
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