Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ann Coulter Accidentally Tells the Truth

The great Keith Olbermann declared "Coultergeist" his "Worst Person in the World" tonight, for revealling (probably unwittingly) the truth behind the partisan nature of FOX "News." For all the denials (sometimes by Coulter) of FOX's right-wing bias, her latest column lays bare where their true alliegences lie.


Coulter accidentally tells the truth

Rick Perlstein catches Ann Coulter accidentally telling the truth about the Republican Party’s “news” network.

Ann Coulter’s latest column claims that “New York cabbies’ compliance rate on daily bathing” is less than 48 percent; dilates upon the reporting in the “Treason Times“; and reflects, “Fox News ought to buy a copy of Monday’s Democrat [sic] debate on CNN to play over and over during the general election campaign,” because the only people it could possibly convince to vote for a Democrat are “losers blogging from their mother’s basements.”

Read more at: Crooks and


  1. I have to cop to posting a few things from my mom's office last week, but she was not happy about it. I kinda doubt Ann had a mother, but if she did, I'm pretty sure Ann's mom didn't have a daughter.


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