Photo from Wikipedia
No, the news isn't cancelled because of Thanksgiving. But I can almost assure you that tasty nuggets of news will be a lot harder to come by in the next few days. Air America Radio is going into reruns or using guest hosts (loved hearing Sam Seder again today, by the way). The popular pundits on cable news are mostly on vacation, or will be soon. Many bloggers are going on holiday, or using guest bloggers. And she who will not be named is suddenly back in the news.
Of course, "the news has been cancelled" is a pet phrase of Air America Radio's Randi Rhodes. In her parlance, she means that the real news isn't getting out. Another favorite of hers is, "if it wasn't on TV, it didn't happen." Fortunately, that is starting to change with the advent of bloggers, a world I only inhabit a very small corner of. But I'll do my best to bring you any news giblets I can find.
My intention is to put up at least as many posts as usual, maybe spruce up the joint a little, with some new graphics and features. And I'd also like to seek out a few ways to publicize the site a little, beyond the Feedburner. How much of that I actually get around to remains to be seen. Especially after the tryptophan coma.
In any event, Happy Thanksgiving. Don't eat or drink too much!
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