Picture of Ann Coulter, Freeper Sex Goddess, culled from link below
Ah, yes, I'm revisiting old territory by commenting on the amazing parallel universe of FreeRepublic.com. FR is a hugely successful, ultra right-wing blog. The denizens of FR are called "Freepers," and they must register to comment, and are then highly scrutinized if they stray from the narrow political boundaries FR has in place.
The Freeper's world is vastly different from the reality-based world most of us inhabit. On occasion, I will visit FR to see if they could possibly come down on the opposite side of a seemingly plain and simple issue. They never disappoint.
There are also those issues that do not trouble Freepers at all, things like media consolidation, and the various loosenings of regulations in whatever industry is being coddled. For instance, my last post about the FCC and media ownership has no echo or mirror image I could find at FR. Unless it is cleverly hidden, there isn't a single story in their archive containing the initials "FCC."
Things I've learned about FreeperWorld (with links):
There is so much more, but I don't want to torture you. If you haven't just eaten, browse the comments at these links if you don't believe me. Freeper World is truly in an alternate reality.
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