Photo from source, CNN
This is all unfolding right now, so it is difficult to do anything but speculate on what's going on. Apparently the hostages have been released unharmed, and the hostage taker is still in the building threatening to blow himself up. Wow.
My best guess, some whack-a-doodle right-winger, convinced that "Democrat" is on par with "terrorist," and "Hillary" equals "the Devil" has taken matters into his own hands. I could be proven wrong, sure. But I think that my odds are better than even, don't you? More later, I'm sure.
Police: Hostages taken at Clinton campaign office
Two people are being held hostage by an armed man at Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign office in Rochester, New Hampshire, police said Friday.
The man walked into the office at about 1 p.m., Maj. Michael Hambrook of the New Hampshire State Police told CNN affiliate WMUR-TV. . .
Read more at: CNN
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