Photo from Wikipedia
We're wrapping up the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in a very special way at our house: another Thanksgiving dinner! I mean, what the heck, the 21.5 pound turkey was only $6, and none of us feels quiiiite fat enough yet. So, the big fancy-schmancy dinner was at friend Lesto's house, and the low-frills version is over here.
As a consequence, I will likely only get a post or two up today. I know, no big loss, right? I've perused a few of my favorite blogs, and found them to be remarkably light for the last four days. And you should see my SiteMeter (a service that tells you how many visits you get each day) graph for the week. It's plunged lower than George Bush's, Dick Cheney's (and yes, Congress') approval ratings! I hope everybody comes back after the tryptophan and starch wear off. . .
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