It turns out I'm still on the RNC mailing list. I got another of their money-drive letters, complete with a poll, to be sent in with my contribution. But, unlike previous mailings, this one didn't come with an obvious push-poll.
This time they start of with scare tactics (big surprise), stating, "I need to share with you some shocking news and ask you to immediately take two very important steps to help save our Party from an election disaster in 2008."
"Recent reports of both Parties' campaign fundraising show that after the contributions given to ALL Party campaign committees and our respective Presidential and other federal candidates are totaled--The Democrats have raised nearly $100 MILLION more than Republicans this year." [emphasis theirs]
Boo-frickin'-hoo. I'm surprised it wasn't more. Anyway, they then launch into the "gift giving" to save the party, and follow it with a poll. The poll only includes three questions. 1. Who do you support for the 2008 Republican Presidential Nomination? 2. Please rank the following policy positions and issues [by level of importance] and 3. Which qualities and characteristics do you feel are important. . .?
Most telling to me was number 2, which doesn't include "saving marriage" or abortion, or putting the 10 Commandments in the public square. Those things may be covered by "Appointing conservative judges," but it's pretty opaque. Things it does include are, "Improving ethics in government," and "Reducing our nation's dependence on foreign oil," which would seem to preclude a Republican in the Oval Office.
In number 3, there are choices for "Pro-life," "Pro-choice," and "Embraces religious faith," but they only apply to the candidates' personal beliefs, not proposed policy initiatives. Take it for what you will, but the tone of this fundraising drive is decidedly more muted on the Focus on the Family Research Council for Religious Dominance in Politics issues. I find that interesting.
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