Photo from source, CNN
I never thought I'd say this, but Pat Leahy ROCKS! As a liberal blogger, I've gotten my hopes up over and over again, each time to be let down. Big, huge corruption and scandal stories get a bit of a splash, Congress talks a big game, and then the story quietly dies, never to be heard from again.
I figured that was the case with the Congressional Subpoenas that the White House ignored this summer. Pat Leahy to the rescue!
Leahy: White House aides must comply with subpoenas
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected White House claims of executive privilege and demanded Thursday that key White House aides testify in the case of the controversial firings of U.S. attorneys.
The committee's investigation has found "significant and uncontroverted evidence that the president had no involvement in these firings," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, said. Thus, the White House can't claim executive privilege or immunity, which are meant to protect private communications between a president and White House aides, he ruled. . .
Read the rest at: CNN
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