OK, so I'm late on my blogiversary post. But these are mostly for me, so do I care? Especially since I've spent the last two days moving my office, inhaling dust, and tuckering myself out! But it has been simultaneously my most interesting and least interesting month since blogging. See, I've had the last 10 days off, and have had very little--except for an emergency into-the-office-while-on-vacation interlude--work to do.
But as every blogger knows, holiday breaks--like weekends--are blogging hell. News doesn't happen, or if it does, nobody cares. Nobody's reading. So blogging takes a backseat to leisure time and holiday obligations. And I took full advantage. I haven't had fewer posts on in a month since I started this thing. And I haven't had this few visitors in many, many months.
Still, I'm not ready to give up the ghost. I have no other real hobbies, and surely none as rewarding. And this blog probably saved my sanity during the waning months of the Bush Administration. Barack Obama's election may have changed the focus--and the urgency--of this blog, but I hope to keep it going. I'd still like to initiate a regular weekly feature here, though I haven't come up with a solid idea yet. Maybe a cartoon, maybe a themed column. I hope to come up with something.
Meanwhile, I thank you for reading. And if you enjoy the blog, please bring your friends!
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