Image from source, New York Times
I've been a little worried since the whole "Bush Legacy Project" whipped into high gear. I mean, I know that Karl Rove's alternate reality machine is rusty, creaking, and missing crucial parts, but it's worked so well in the past, I was concerned that it might crank out one more doozy of a reality-warping "conventional wisdom."
Thank goodness for Frank Rich. He's keeping it real, for real. With Rich, and political bloggers (like, ahem, me) on the beat, maybe the "Bush Legacy" will be reality instead of fiction.
A President Forgotten but Not Gone
WE like our failed presidents to be Shakespearean, or at least large enough to inspire Oscar-worthy performances from magnificent tragedians like Frank Langella. So here, too, George W. Bush has let us down. Even the banality of evil is too grandiose a concept for 43. He is not a memorable villain so much as a sometimes affable second banana whom Josh Brolin and Will Ferrell can nail without breaking a sweat. He’s the reckless Yalie Tom Buchanan, not Gatsby. He is smaller than life. . .
Read more at: New York Times
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