Image from source, Raw Story
That has to be the least shocking headline I've ever written. What's more surprising is that there have only been a dozen or so errors found. That's so far, though. What conservatives see in this brittle, cold, nasty woman continues to elude me. And you can't say, "well, you've just got to get to know her," because I tried to read a couple of her books. Pure dreck. And I've seen her countless times on cable TV, most notably on FOX "News," were I've never--not ever--come away with a positive impression of Coultergeist.
Group finds more than a dozen lies in Coulter's latest book
The progressive media watchdog Media Matters for America delivered a scathing 6,000-word rebuke to conservative superstar Ann Coulter, accusing her of lying on more than a dozen occasions in her new book, Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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