Image from source, Free Republic
Back in 2000, when Democrats called "shenanigans" on the GOP for forcing George W. Bush down our throats, we were called "sore losers." The Gore/Lieberman ticket was called "Sore/Loserman." My, how things change. They still deride Al Gore of course, but Lieberman eventually became their favorite "Democrat." And now that the shoe is on the other foot, with Al Franken winning the Senate seat in Minnesota, they are the sore losers.
It would be disingenuous to say that there were no irregularities in the 2000 Florida election that put Bush over the top. You had Jewish people voting for Pat Buchanan of all people, and countless other mix ups and blunders. And a full recount was never done, in fact it was thwarted by the GOP (Brooks Brothers riot, anyone?). And yet for eight years, we've been told to "get over it."
There were irregularities in Minnesota in 2008 too, but most were sorted out as they're supposed to be. A full recount was completed, as required by law, and the vote totals turned out to (barely) favor Franken. It is not true that every ruling favored Franken and penalized incumbent Norm Coleman. It has not been shown that Franken played tricks, cheated or stole the election. Unless some proof arises, these claims can be placed in the same fantasyland as the "Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen" stories.
But just check out some of these quotes from uber-right-wing site, Free Republic. See if you think these arch-conservatives are being "sore losers."
"Count until you get the results you want, then quickly certify the election and call the other side sore losers. Democracy in the 21st Century brought to you by ACORN."
"It's not the votes that count, it's the people counting the votes..."
"Shockingly, no more recounts will be necessary now that he’s won."
"Another election illegally stolen by a frickin’ Democrat."
"It’s so clearly a case of election fraud - wasn’t it true that a box of ballots were found in someone’s car and all 100% of the ballots were for Franken?"
There is also the standard (for Free Republic) PhotoShopped picture of Al Franken dressed in a diaper and bunny ears--one that I'll not show here--that FReepers are convinced is real, that gives you a little of their mindset:
"Thanks for posting that photo, whenever I heard Al Franken’s name, that’s the image that comes to mind. If the folks of MN want THAT to represent them, they deserve all of the jokes and scorn that is going to come their way. And if they don’t, they should be taking to the streets right now in protest."
Source: Free Republic
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