Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fantastic New DNC Ad: Enough of the Mob

If you get nothing else from my blog, you should know that these "angry mobs" you've seen springing up at "town halls" across the country are about as genuine as the pitchfork-and-torch mobs you've seen in Frankenstein movies. Paid actors. Oh, some of them may be actually angry, but make no mistake, what makes them angriest is the current occupant of the White House. Sore losers.


  1. I agree..amerikans should not have the right to protest unless they do it in a proper way. Groups such as ACORN, the Black Panthers, and big Unions, are doing it correctly though intimidation of the voters & getting federal funding to do so. When will these dumb conservatives ever learn? We had to put up with GWB for 8 years, never getting to protest, burn him in effigy, call him vulgar names, or anything like that. Now its our turn to stifle the opposition. We will do it the old fashion way... by getting other citizens to rat them out. It has worked well for other regimes.

  2. Not my point at all. This series of protests are being presented as organic, grass roots uprisings. They are not. They are corporate-sponsored, and Republican Party (not to mention FOX "News")-supported. If you have to misrepresent your movement to people, I question the message. Just as I question your ACORN assertions as overblown.


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