Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama is an Australian? A Birther Update

If you've read this blog before, you probably know that I think this whole "birther" nonsense has its hilarious side. Countdown with Keith Olbermann seems to agree with me, with both a hilarious graphic and Olbermann's continual (intentional?) mispronunciation of birther leader Orly Taitz as Orly Taint. Hee hee, oh I'm still chuckling. . .


  1. You can make fun of people all you want...but there is one way to end this and make fools of all the people the left thinks are stupid...just release the documents! What is really stupid are those of you on the left who continue to support someone who will not release any documents, childhood, college, or otherwise.

    Why do liberals need to have a master? It's funny how liberals HATE for the government to tell them what to do, or snoop into their private lives, until they are in control...then it's OK?

    It's easy to figure out what liberals are up to...just watch what they accuse others of doing, and that will tell you what they want to do. It's an old ploy, tell people to watch the other guy, that way they won't watch what you are doing. As far as you painting the people who do not want government controlled health care as stupid, I has taken the teachers union 40 years to achieve their goal of dumbing down the american public. How else would you explain how we end up with this mess of politicians in charge? Liberals ought to love dumb else could they get votes?

  2. You're buying your own baloney if you believe that releasing this mythical "long form" will satisfy anybody. It would be deemed a forgery, the doctor would be researched and claimed to never have existed, the type of ink used would be scrutinized and declared to be "too new" or "too black" or SOMETHING.

    As for the "master" thing, I have no idea what you're talking about. Your attempt to say that liberals are guilty of projection is particularly funny, as the same can easily be said about conservatives. Dumb people? Look no further than the "morans" at "tea parties." Or Michelle Bachmann. Or "birthers."

  3. Oh, and by the way, GWB was notorious for classifying documents, and sealing records. Cheney too. Once you get them to release their documents, we can go after Obama, who has been around for only 6 months.

  4. James:

    You are making dumb arguments. GWB is not President. If Barry thinks the previous administration was so bad...then fix it. The doc's you are discussing are classified, Obama's are not. It is not a matter of "going after" Barry, the point is....the icons of the left make fun of conservatives, and "birthers" which is fine, have your laughs, however Barry will not release ANY doc's pertaining to his education, his life, or his birth certificate. My main concern is who paid for his education at Harvard? He did not get a scholarship, and was poor, so where did it come from? If the left's argument is that the "birthers" are "wing nuts", then produce the doc's that will prove it! What does he have to hide? People who voted for this fraud thought they were getting a more "transparent" administration. So much for their hope and change.

    Liberals need masters. By that I mean they need the government, or an individual to fend for them. I do not. Quit trying to force your views on everyone else. My suggestion for you is to research the constitution. Do it on your own, without the left or right telling you what to think. I believe you will find that none of this nonsense is either there or in the amendments.

  5. I'm not entirely sure that all of the documents supposedly being suppressed actually ARE, as many of the things constantly repeated are rarely so done with any evidence. But if they are, it is absolutely relevant if previous Presidents have done he same. Have they?

    I know that GWB REclassified many previously DEclassified documents, for no obvious reason. What is it in the documents that you are concerned about that is of importance to you? Who do you presume paid for Obama's education, and why do you care?

    Liberals don't need masters. Leading liberals is often likened to herding cats. We're simply not as lock-step as conservatives. I'm not forcing views on anybody. This is my blog, and it is wholly my perview to type whatever I wish, just as it is yours to read it or not.

    I do this for a hobby, and am not a journalist, nor do I claim to be. It says right in my mission statement that I do not expect anyone to believe anything I've said. Do your homework, is my motto, and you'd know that if you'd done YOURS, and read it.

    I am exercising my first amendment rights by expressing my opinion on this blog. What parts of the Constitutioin do you believe I'm ignoring or misunderstanding?


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