Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anderson Cooper: The Sissy-Boy Experiment

I don't know which thing is more startling: a) that there is a show on CNN called "The Sissy-Boy Experiment," b) that parents would put their child through the abusive treatment that is reparative therapy, c) that Anderson Cooper would allow his name in the title, d) that Anderson Cooper would tackle the issue or e) that the kid in the photo looks just like me as a kid.


  1. I couldn't think of a more qualified person to host this show.

  2. I can't tell if the above comment is for Cooper or if the commenter is just trying to hit him with their purse???

  3. Uhhhh Anderson Cooper/AC360/CNN did not create the experiment, they are merely reporting on the results of an experiment that was many years in the making (ethical or not.) Instead of judging, perhaps you should just pay attention and heed whatever warnings it may present.

  4. Relax, it was all in fun. I'm gay myself.

  5. hope this enlightening special will be finally aired. it's a very interesting subject matter which takes journalistic courage to explore. we're not going to see this type of programing on FOX!

  6. What happened? The show never aired.

  7. Pretty Smart PersonJune 6, 2011 at 1:04 PM

    I agree with the initial statement! I guess they're just trying to get viewers.

  8. Well a sissy boy at age 5.Hmm wonder how that is, hardly at an age to be much of anything.

  9. Anonymous 12:39, I have no idea what you're trying to say. Is it that you don't think a 5 year old can be gay? Because I--and almost every gay person I've talked to about it--knew we were "different" at a very early age. And I in particular internalized the "sissy" label EARLY, trying very hard to only play with boy toys, trying not to be a sissy. Because I knew it was BAD, and I knew that the word somehow fit.


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