Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Blast from the Past: Classic 70s TV Themes

In an effort to make my blog a little less top-heavy with political posts, I try to lighten the mood occasionally with some good old-fashioned frivolity. And what better way to do that than dive into 70s pop-culture? These old 70s shows always make me smile--well, at least their theme songs do. Actually watching some of them, years later, can be something of an ordeal. But the show openings still bring a warm glow to my heart.

#1 - The Love Boat - One of the fluffiest shows of the 70s. Still, the show provided B-list and past-their-prime celebrities a showcase. Today, they have to rely on CSI, and usually they get murdered. At least on The Love Boat, they got some action that didn't involve an autopsy.

#2 - The Dukes of Hazzard - Even emptier than The Love Boat, this show still provided escapism. And as an 11-year-old, the car chases were a real highlight. And am I the only one who kinda liked the Coy & Vance season?

#3 - The Incredible Hulk - A little more somber and serious, The Incredible Hulk provided thrills, and made this comic book fan (even if it was Marvel) very happy that it was Friday night.

#4 - Hart to Hart - A more adult adventure series, this show was still entertaining enough to thrill a kid. Even then though, I wondered how the Harts didn't get suspected for any of those murders, considered that they were involved in one every friggin' week. Anyway, dig the disco theme song!

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