Photo from Reuters.com
Something strange has been happening with our President over the last couple of weeks. He's always acted like a spoiled brat, but lately he's been more petulant than usual. He's had a series speeches and press conferences, each one of them growing more irritable. He's rattled off a series of charges against Congress, and increasingly raises the specter of doom if they don't do what he says.
When Congress doesn't capitulate to his whines (rare these days), he simply does an end-run around them. Sometimes he doesn't even give them an opportunity to knuckle under, and goes around them ahead of time. And all the while, he ratchets up the rhetoric. You almost expect him to hold his breath and turn blue.
And like a child throwing a tantrum, he's not above lying to make his case. John Aravosis at AmericaBlog has a great post up right now, analyzing Bush's latest charges. Check it out.
It's sad how many lies Bush can weave into one press event
. . .Our president is a liar. That's because he comes from a party of liars. All the extremists leading the Republican party know how to do nowadays is lie. They look in a mirror, pick out the worst things they're doing, and then blame the Democrats for it. Bush let Osama go? Blame the Democrats! Bush bankrupted the country while Clinton left us with hundreds of billions of dollars of surplus? Call the Democrats fiscally irresponsible because they want to add a few billion to a program to insure millions of children. . .
Read it all at: AmericaBlog
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