Photo from source, MSNBC
You all probably know this already. But I've been taking some personal time with the other half since the story broke, so I thought I'd get to the update first off. It would seem this guy was not a whack-a-doodle right-winger (that we know of). It is a strange story though, since the guy seems to have been bonkers, but was together enough to make a convincing looking bomb.
As for my speculation about the guy's likely ties to right-wing world: no apologies. I guessed wrong, but sheesh, who could blame me? It's surprising that something like this hasn't happened yet with all the nastiness the Limbaughs and Savages of the world stuff their audiences brains with. On to the story.
ROCHESTER, N.H. - Leeland Eisenberg was already in trouble before he walked into one of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign offices.
Three days earlier, his wife had filed for divorce; he was due to appear in court with her for a domestic violence hearing in about half an hour.
Then, the nicely dressed, gray-haired man peeled open his jacket to reveal what looked like dynamite strapped to his chest, authorities said, and things got much worse. . .
Three days earlier, his wife had filed for divorce; he was due to appear in court with her for a domestic violence hearing in about half an hour.
Then, the nicely dressed, gray-haired man peeled open his jacket to reveal what looked like dynamite strapped to his chest, authorities said, and things got much worse. . .
Read the whole story at: MSNBC
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