Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Releasing the Osama Bin Laden Photos

I am not eager to see the "Death of bin Laden" photos. I was not eager to see the horrible images from 9/11, Falujah, or the Daniel Pearl beheading video either mind you. I am not squeamish, generally speaking. I love gory movies. But I don't relish seeing images of real life carnage, even when the dead guy was a monster. On top of that, whatever ghoulish glee some people might get from the release of the photos, there is also the potential to rile people who don't need much help getting riled up. Why inflame them more, to appease some "deather" conspiracy theorists?

Here's the rub: there's nothing you can do to satisfy them. They don't want to believe that President Obama did something they agree with, so they will now go to any lengths to discredit what he did, or deny him credit.  Right now, they're angry that the photos haven't been released. If one day they are released, they'll have a different reason why they shouldn't have been, or they will declare them to be fake. It's getting very predictable.

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