As reported by RawStory, The ACLU was unsuccessful in its attempt to sue the NSA over the Bush Administration's illegal wiretapping program. They promise to appeal to the Supreme Court, which is in no way allegient to the Bushies, right?
ACLU considering Supreme Court appeal over NSA spying
Nick Juliano
Published: Friday July 6, 2007
The American Civil Liberties said Friday it is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court after a lower court threw out its case against the National Security Agency over an illegal domestic spying program authorized by the Bush administration.
“We are deeply disappointed by today’s decision that insulates the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance activities from judicial review and deprives Americans of any ability to challenge the illegal surveillance of their telephone calls and e-mails," ACLU legal director Steven Shapiro said in a prepared statement. Read more at RawStory.com
Nearly as interesting to me was the following, from RawStory's comments section. This guy sums it up better than I could hope to:
Kafka couldn't have improved on this: Nobody who cannot prove his phone was illegally tapped has legal standing to sue to find out whether his phone was illegally tapped; and Congress -- the only branch of government able to take non-judicial action to do something about this legally unreviewable rape of our Constitution -- says "impeachment is off the table," bravely threatening our elected King with a possible lawsuit which certainly will either be quickly dismissed as nonjusticiable or delayed until after our next King has been elected (and then dismissed as moot). Meanwhile, our political leaders (of both parties) lead us in patriotic chants of "We're Number One!" Welcome to the Third World, fellow Americans.
Richard Young
07.06.07 - 3:02 pm
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ACLU considering Supreme Court appeal over NSA spying
Nick Juliano
Published: Friday July 6, 2007
The American Civil Liberties said Friday it is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court after a lower court threw out its case against the National Security Agency over an illegal domestic spying program authorized by the Bush administration.
“We are deeply disappointed by today’s decision that insulates the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance activities from judicial review and deprives Americans of any ability to challenge the illegal surveillance of their telephone calls and e-mails," ACLU legal director Steven Shapiro said in a prepared statement. Read more at RawStory.com
Nearly as interesting to me was the following, from RawStory's comments section. This guy sums it up better than I could hope to:
Kafka couldn't have improved on this: Nobody who cannot prove his phone was illegally tapped has legal standing to sue to find out whether his phone was illegally tapped; and Congress -- the only branch of government able to take non-judicial action to do something about this legally unreviewable rape of our Constitution -- says "impeachment is off the table," bravely threatening our elected King with a possible lawsuit which certainly will either be quickly dismissed as nonjusticiable or delayed until after our next King has been elected (and then dismissed as moot). Meanwhile, our political leaders (of both parties) lead us in patriotic chants of "We're Number One!" Welcome to the Third World, fellow Americans.
Richard Young
07.06.07 - 3:02 pm
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