Friday, November 16, 2007

CNN Democratic Debate: My Take

CNN aired the latest in a (very) long string of Presidential Debates tonight. It was the Democratic nominees' turn tonight, and I think on the whole, they did very well. I missed the first half hour--these things rarely take west coasters' schedules into account--but got to see the rest.

The weakest performance, in my opinion was by debate moderator, Wolf Blitzer. He seemed to want to inject himself into the story, modifying the questions to his liking. I'm not a Wolf fan.

As for the candidates, here is my take. . .

Hillary Clinton: Very calculated answers, but also quick on her feet. She has the ability to turn critical questions about herself to her advantage. However negatively I might feel about her politicking, I'm also impressed by her quickness. After seven years of The Decider, I'm more than ready for a quick, intelligent President.

Barack Obama: Gamely trying to distance himself from Senator Clinton, he also manages to sound calculating. And his booming voice ventures into evangelist territory, which gives me the heebie-jeebies.

John Edwards: My favorite, but is also guilty of the slick, political, "what you want me to say" answers. Also stretches his words (aaaaaand, soooooo) while thinking of the answer. I still like him, and he's as quick on his feet as Hillary.

Christopher Dodd: This guy probably should be President. Very smart, fast and thoughtful. But seemingly, hasn't got a chance.

Dennis Kucinich: The furthest left of the candidates fulfills the wishes of the (much maligned) crowd. And is one of the lowest rated, disproving the theory that MoveOn is somehow in charge. Still, I hope he hangs in there, if only so his ideas get a wider audience.

Joe Biden: Right up there with Chris Dodd for people that probably should be president. Has some of the best answers, and while a professional politician, has answers that sound very heartfelt. I'd like to see him become more of a contender.

Bill Richardson: Earnest, and smart, but comes off like a lummox. Not as slick, not as smooth, and not as quick as the rest. He just doesn't come off as Presidential, despite his qualifications.

All of that said, there isn't a single person on that stage that I wouldn't vote for over any of the Republican contenders. Put aside the fact that the present administration has been a disaster. The contrast between this bunch, and the group on the right is stark. The Republican debates seem like they're being conducted in an alternate universe. While the Democrats surely have their political calculations, there is a genuineness there to go along with it, with all of the candidates. On the Republican side, I just don't see it.

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