Photo of source, Metro.co.uk
No, I'm not trying to blaspheme. As an agnostic that would be sort of silly. But no more silly than this story. Jesus and Mary have turned up on water towers, tortillas, parking lots, driveways, oil tanks, and most famously, a grilled cheese sandwich. Well, the divine duo is back.
Jesus! It's what's for breakfast! I'd like to say that while I can see figures in this pancake (or puffy clouds, or floor tile for that matter), it takes some imagination to assign identity to them. Why is it that whenever some amorphous blob looks kinda like a person, it has to be Jesus or Mary (or Elvis)? I mean, we know what Elvis looked like, but Jesus and Mary? We only know what famous painters and sculptors imagined them to look like. Just the same, see what you think.
Jesus turns up in pancake, with added Mary
Marilyn Smith, of Port St Lucie, Florida, decided to sell the pancake on eBay - after an earlier, cancelled sale in which the pancake reached £165 ($338), the current bid stands at $26.01. . .
Read more at: Metro.co.uk
They have the wrong god... It is actually Jar Jar Binks (sp?) of Star Wars fame... Stupid Fucking ReligioMonkeys.