Image from source, Think Progress
Conservatives continue to perplex me. The same people who were so concerned with "the rule of law" when it concerned Bill Clinton's irrelevant indiscretions, will now make excuses--even applaud--blatant violations of the law.
George Tenant got a medal, even though he was blamed for "bad intelligence." Which coming from George Bush is painfully ironic. And creepy FOX "News" host John Gibson thought that whoever outed Valerie Plame deserved a medal too. Now this. And Mom wonders why I'm not a conservative Republican. . .
Right-Wing Pundit: Give The CIA Official Who Destroyed The Torture Tapes ‘A Medal’
Prominent conservative commentator Linda Chavez writes that Jose Rodriguez, the CIA official who reportedly undertook the destruction of the torture tapes, “deserves a medal.”
Read more at: Think Progress
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