Image from source, BuffaloBeast.com
Like clockwork, the end of every year brings us countless lists. Best and worst movies, most fascinating people, top political blunders, best web sites, you get the idea. And the thing about most of these lists is that they're utterly subjective, and are pretty much BS.
But I for one find them kind of fun. Here's one of my favorites.
The BEAST 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2007
47. Mike Huckabee
Charges: What's worse, a calculating politician pretending to be a devout Christian, or a genuine heartland preacher who didn't come from no monkey? Huckabee is both -- a Southern Baptist who rejects Darwin, wants to give everyone a gun and thinks people with AIDS should be quarantined, and a seedy, corrupt politician who's never seen a payoff so low he won't stoop to pick it up. Democrats see Huckabee as easily defeated in a general election, but they shouldn't be so sure -- Smooth talking preachers tend to do well in this country. Huckabee is well-spoken, kind-faced, and the opposite of worldly -- he's Obama for hicks. . .
Read the whole list at: BuffaloBeast.com
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